Ahoy There


Monday, 10 September 2012

It is a challenge to maintain the level of insanity required for pursuing the ambitions and dreams I have set for myself. Luckily I have always had a lot of positive feedback that I am fully crazy and thus I am hanging in there!

I did not do it. Damn. I knew my self imposed deadline to finish the edit and raise the funds was quite ambitious. It certainly does not mean there has not been progress. In one of the most important arenas of my venture, the building of a team, I have found people to help with a website, someone in the industry of booking public speakers, and another writer for content review.

There is still red ink lingering in the manuscript and I have turned it all upside down to create a better flow. I want it to be great,,,,, but do not worry; I am not so anal as to never think it right. I have another week of groceries to allow complete focus which I hope to be enough as I am still terribly impatient to get this project off the ground. Forward, forward, little steps, it IS happening Yeah for US!

Yesterday, having realized I did not make the deadline, I succumbed and did something I know well instead. Hoping find triumph in some effort, I climbed into Cassi’s engine room and mired myself in grease and bloody knuckles to try to get the starter for the motor going again. It will take another day. Damn. Ah well, keeps my insanity level up!
I also took the outboard for the dingy apart because it had to be retired due to the sounds of something terribly wrong deep inside. I doubt it is worth the complete rebuild but I shall find out at the parts store today. Yes that means I am now paddling the dingy which has a rather huge effect on life efficiency! Ah well, keeps my insanity level up!

So insanity intact, I am excited to report that all is still on track and progress is being made! I have even been video recording myself, practicing to perform for audiences keen to hear a crazy mans ideas for changing the world! I will probably have to wear more clothes for the real show......

Hugs to you all,

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