Ahoy There


Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Check the new front page of the blog! A new marketing campaign to reach the funding goal and settle into getting it all done. I am still considering a bolt for the west to find cheaper labor and cheaper living and cheaper parts. If any of you are looking for a true adventure in the near future then get in touch. We got new ropes and sail repairs and a spare life raft and some pumps......I have been working on cat stories and what is is like to learn about being an American, by traveling and confronting everyones attitude about you! There have been five pledgers come visit all with great input and plenty of duty free   He He yeah for me!
Be in touch!
I truly believe things are looking bright for the world as my recent travels proved again to me that a new consciousness is happening right now. Amazing things are happening and it is destined to get wilder and better!
Cheers H

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