Ahoy There


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

the week that flew by

Ahoy there everybody,
Wooohhoo still!!! Moving forward ups and downs. It is sunny again!
Time is a funny thing. Sometimes a week disappears! Progress yes, frustration yes, busy yes, and yes fun, even some golf and harmonica playing! Booty needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still can not get starter working! I can now take it out and put it back in an record time with my eyes closed. Today I scooter to South Santo where there is rumored to be a bunch of dead Ford tractors and try to bargain for parts. Having more underwater epoxy flown in. Got new battery and sun is out so powered up a bit. Massive clean up day. Maybe next weekend will be the first party!

Worked on the chapter about ghost and the bus waiting around the corner. Revel in today as tomorrow is only imagination! It includes a few of the hard times and recoveries. Life in paradise has not been all roses. This is not the first time she has been brought back! Check the snippet for a few lines from the Blow Up story. Wonderfull lessons about faith and determination and help and spirits.

Two more pledges this week, trying to ramp it up again and reach the goal.
Booty getting low! Working on new transfer method Any transfers appreciated!
Trying week of attempting to build a project website and incorporate a pay pal type transfer along with new presentation for wooden boat magazine forum.

I am excited about what the new project presentation can provide and am confident the goal will be reached. It is good how close Cassi is to “working” again. The crew are arriving on the 25th and that will be the quantum leap I am sure.

OK this weeks snippet,
This is to be a good chapter with ghost stories and trials. There is one story
that will make you cry.............

I heard a “phoof” and I had time to think, “Oh damn, the pilot light!” Then there was a BOOM from an explosion that shook the hillsides. That split second was the beginning of a time that I know call “Bonus Days”. That means all of the days that I have been alive since. By all rights, I should be dead.
I almost moved into the next dimension for the simple act of trying to kill the roaches on the boat. In an attempt to rid myself of the crawly scourge I nearly eliminated myself ! …...................

The path to real destruction of the little bastards, was to actually spray Baygon point blank into every crack and crevice in the whole boat. Then we would go to the beach for the afternoon.
We would play in the clean sunshine while the enemy choked and died in their new poisonous environment. It worked. Upon our return to the boat there were hundreds of war victims strewn about the cabin sole in twitching death throws. No Geneva contract here, death to all prisoners. In the end, they got me back for this merciless slaughter.......................................

Cassiopeia is a stout wooden boat with two inch by four inch laid decking, and a cabin sole of five quarter planks laid on two by four sole beams. The explosion erupted from the bilge and turned the cabin sole planks into splintered twelve inch chunks that were driven like wooden shrapnel into the hard pine on the inside of the deck and hull. That is, what remained of the deck. Huge holes were blown in the foredeck and the aft deck, cracking deck beams as the fasteners were ripped away. Her heavy wooden hatches with stainless piano hinges were torn from their two by four frames and flew through the air above mast height. The four foot by four foot beast of a main hatch traveled up until it collided with the fore boom, shattering into pieces.
There were canned goods blown into the water through the six foot long hole in the deck above the galley. Every door in the boat had disintegrated, jagged remains hanging on twisted hinges. Despite not having sprayed in the aft section, the gaping hole in the aft deck allowed pillows and bedding to escape into the air. The bunks and cabinetry of the main room were turned into unidentifiable piles of rubble. The laminated two by twelve planks of the setee table had smashed against the deck beams above and broken across the grain into jagged pieces. The cabinet next to the oven was built from a sheet of ¾ inch plywood. That three foot high piece of plywood was broken in a line at the edge of the oven. Ever tried to break a ¾ inch sheet of plywood?
The more I surveyed the damage later, the more I thought about Bonus Days. I really should be dead.................................................

I owned a house which was haunted by my best friend who was killed on his 21st birthday when I was in university. I had lots of roomates and we became accustomed to him rummaging around. We would hear him downstairs while..........
Lights would go off and on and doors would open and close and windows would mysteriously be open and other silly stuff would.............
I am forced to believe in ghost after..........................
Maybe he was there the day I blew up. There is little other explanation for being unscathed and..............

Eliot was the first to come aboard and he braved the fumes and debris to come below. Eliot still believes I am a ghost. He always has this funny look in his eye when he talks to me. He slowly looked around in stunned silence at the smoldering wreckage. Then he ask, “Where were you?”. When I pointed to the spot he got a little pale and looked at me in that funny way that he has ever since. He turned and walked away and would not talk to me for weeks. He is scared of ghost...................................................

There was a recovery, but things changed...................................................
Maybe this will be the chapter with spirits and drugs and the desert as well. The other side explored!

Thanks for all the support
This is a wonderfull time and project and despite some moments it is taking me on an exciting journey.
Hug to all H

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