Any good book, a collection of stories, a novel, even a history book, has love affairs and passion, heartache and debauchery, intrigue and fear, and awesome scenery. Sex drugs and rock and roll are always a hit. Well it looks like the first chapter could include all! Might have to tone it down a bit lest the reader get the wrong impression early on.
It was a glorious time in Newport Rhode Island when the runaway dream was hatched....
Here is a promised snippet:
Todd and I gazed at the lightness of her gait and the confidence in the way she held herself as she crossed the deserted pub to pour our morning Tequila shots. Her smile had let go her playful manner and when she looked in my eyes I knew that she was as beautiful on the inside as she was stunning to watch. Mireille sat looking at us both and said,”Down boys.” She knew us both well as she had..........
I am also working on the secret story for the followers of the project and there have been a couple of drafts already crumpled and tossed out. I cant get the angle right and it needs to be presented correctly to justify the secrecy. There are those who have more ordinary lives but for me debacles such as this seem to be my normality. I have always wondered if it is how odd my life is, that makes me odd, or how odd I am, that creates such an odd life. Chicken or the egg?
I have also posted the Accounts! Check your email. There are four or five more transfers waiting to be collected today boosting the balance. I have deck paint on order for Cassiopeia and some electrical supplies coming over with an Australian crew. She is still not completely back together from her cyclone storage but is getting close.
Oh yeah for some interesting adventure look into my good friends project
Duncan is skippering on board one of the canoes. They are sailing traditional Polynesian canoes across the Pacific and after a long passage are just arriving in French Polynesia.
I have sent this as an email and posted it on the blog and on Face book and am still trying to get the word out to the corners of the world I have missed where stalwart Cassiopeia crew reside. Remember to pass it on!!
Thanks H
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