Ahoy There


Friday, 22 April 2011

One day away from the internet and a bit of a backlog YEAH!! new comments as well

Now we are at 20% and I am getting great feedback on how to keep it going. One suggestion is to make sure that everyone who got the email forwards it on. It is very true that my list is nowhere near all of the folks who have known and loved Cassi. So if you were on the email list pleas send it on!!!
Here are a few of the fun comments!
Yeah for all of the warm fuzzies  thanks to you all!!!

Your Project intrigues me nearly as much as buried treasure, so it behoves me to join in your search for treasury!  

You have inspired me and I will continue to watch your blog to see your progress.
You write beautifully and with your spirit and ability to tell tales it will no doubt be a success and a great read.

Please count me in to help sponsor your dream!  In life we have a tendency to get wrapped up in all that is around us and forget to take care of our core spirit and strength by doing all the wonderful activities that keeps us connected.

I am glad to see you have come to your senses, and are back working a program that has served well for years. I will be happy to invest in this venture of yours, because it means I dont have to give up a dream of cruising on the good ship Cassi once again.

What a grand plan for continuing to live your dream and to save the one who makes it all possible! Count me in, I would love to be a part of the 200 who keep the dream alive.

I was never on your email list when you sent out your "stories" but I did get printouts and really enjoyed them and think a book you write will be fascinating.

Based on who you are and the friendship that came about after our Caribbean
and then Fiji adventures and the fact that letting Cassi go down is
unacceptable I am defiantly in on this plan. 

SO many wonderful positive thoughts I am stoked about making this all happen!!!!!!!


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Back in the tropics and it is still working!!!

Midnight in Vanuatu!
Last night at this time I was in Auckland laying in bed with an electric blanket on the medium setting which was under the sheet and a very thick doooveeay  sp? on top (it is a very weird thing for a Texan as we just had blankets) A doooveeay is sort of a fluffy blanket in an over grown pillowcase with buttons. Anyway it was cold. Now it is definitely not. The air is thicker and my hair is curly again. I have seen lots of friends and the list has grown of those who would love to see this project work. Tomorrow I fly from Port Vila to Santo and see the good ship for the first time in months. It will be an interesting moment. there is actually intrigue and a secret involved. Ah more makings of a good story!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

trickle trickle creating a stream of lovley thoughts

 A serious belief in passion is showing itself. Memories of fascinating moments are spawning visions of future triumphs for the world of dreamers. The comments are developing a theme that works well with "YEAH FOR US!"

Sweet AS ! 15% of the way there........ promising.....Cassi is getting excited!

Off to a good start with pledges from all over the world. They are coming from sailors (both armchair and real) travelers, stalwart crew who have graced her deck, readers of my old emails, land lubber friends, family, friends of the family, Guest who came for a sail, even from some who considered buying her!
So here is a list. If you wanted to pledge and are not on it please email me svcassiopeia@yahoo.com I will immediately fix that and put you in the "YEAH FOR US!" club.
Here is the list

Pledger list

  1. Ash Shepley
  2. Andre Homeimprovement
  3. Victor Nottleman
  4. Jo Noble
  5. Anne Wennrich
  6. Rae Lerew
  7. Kathy Siler
  8. Stephanie Clark
  9. Klaus Moelhenkamp
  10. Cliff Vernon
  11. Adrian Novak
  12. Carl Simek
  13. Angela Kirkling
  14. Richard Neel
  15. Joni Acquistapace
  16. Katherine Danforth
  17. Alice Stubblefied
  18. Steve Bond
  19. Bruce Tilley
  20. Ben Hagen
  21. Michael Johnston
  22. Neely Dahl
  23. Anonymous
  24. Nancy Isaacs
  25. Ritchie Riggs
  26. Ben Healy
  27. Jonothan Moses

I won my first writing competition today!!!!!! zippppidy dooo dahhhhh

I receive an email newsletter list for Sailing Networks which is a crew finder and other things website. They posted some recently published books including one called Sailing Yachts and Yarns. Wanting to check out the competition I clicked on the link where I could read the first two chapters. There they had a link to enter a competition to win a free copy of the book by sending in an anecdote about sailing. So I did. It was about teaching my cats to swim.
Today I got the news that I won!!! Yippy yahooooooo zippppidy dooo dahhhhh
I am going to take that as a good sign. This is the only competition I have ever entered!
I think they are going to put it on their website so I will keep ya posted on how to find it......
Pledge list coming next.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

From all over the world moments are being remembered !!

Support is coming from around the world! Bit of a global community. I realize the the first part is to be the easiest but we are off to a good start  List of pledgers and places to be posted soon  YEAH FOR US !!!!

Its happening thanks for the support 5% of the way there

Glued to the computer still have not gotten all the emails out Lots of love coming back This is going to be sooooooo great getting in touch with all of you again I am truly a lucky man!!!!  Excitement building. Yeah for Us

One in the morning sending hundres of emails and getting some back!

Hurray for dreams and ships and stories and books........